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Respect for All

At Castle Arms, there is zero tolerance for rude, disrespectful, or bullying behaviour toward Tenants or staff. The Landlord Tenant Act clearly states that disruptive behaviour by a Tenant, or their visitors, is cause for eviction.

No Smoking

Smoking is not allowed in Castle Arms’ apartments or public spaces, or on the grounds. That includes outdoor patios. Smokers must be nine [9] meters [that’s thirty feet for some of us] away, as stated in the City of North Bay by-laws.

Scent Free Policy

Some people are sensitive, or allergic, to various scents. For this reason, Castle Arms provides a scent free living space wherever possible. This includes not using scented products in the hallways, public bathrooms or common rooms.

Pet Policy

Castle Arms allows pets, while ensuring other Tenant’s comfort and conforming to the City’s pet by-laws. The following rules apply:

  • Pet owners must observe all local by-laws regarding pets, including licensing, animal control and hygiene.
  • Under NO circumstances may a pet be allowed to roam at large outside of its home apartment.
  • Kitty litter is not to be put down the garbage chute. Properly bagged kitty litter is to be taken to the garbage room and placed in the bin.
  • All pet trash [feces, sand, litter, paper, etc.] must be wrapped with extra care in plastic bags and taken to the bins in the garbage room.
  • Pets are not allowed in laundry or common rooms unless they are a verified service animal.
  • Pet owners are directly responsible for any damages that occur because of their pet.
  • Pet owners who don’t control their pets, or do not observe the pet regulations, may be evicted on the grounds of “interference with reasonable enjoyment of the premises by other Tenants”.