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Building Safety

Tenant safety is paramount. Castle Arms buildings keep their front, back and side doors locked at all times. Tenants must be able to come and go freely, while others are kept out. Any guests, or delivery person, must enter through the front doors and be ‘buzzed in’ by the Tenant they are visiting. A security guard patrols the buildings overnight and as needed.

Fire Safety

Fire alarms are tested once a month. A bright sign in the front entrance announces the date and time.

Castle Arms has smoke detectors and heat detectors throughout each building. There is also an automatic sprinkler system in all storage rooms and garbage chutes.

In the event of a small contained fire, there are fire extinguishers at both ends of each hallway.

In the event of a large blaze or heavy smoke, activate the nearest fire alarm. Evacuate the building if possible. Shelter in place if it takes more than 2-3 minutes to exit by the closest stairwell.

In case of a fire, remain calm. Do not panic. Never use the elevator. Only use the stairs located at either end of the hallway.

Castle Arms North Bay has annual fire drills. These serve as training for staff and Tenants to feel prepared in an emergency where quick action is important. Tenants receive a notice in their mailbox announcing the day/time of the drill. All Tenants are expected to respond as per the “If There is a fire” instructions.

The Fire Department and Castle Arms staff are notified immediately when an alarm is activated.

  1. Touch the apartment door with the back of your hand.
  2. If the door is warm to touch, do not open it. Remain in your apartment and follow these instructions:
    • Call 911 and let them know how many people are in your apartment and if anyone has injuries or mobility issues.
    • Seal your front door with duct tape or wet towels.
    • Go to your living room window and wave a colourful piece of cloth to attract attention.
  3. If the door is not hot, open it just a crack and smell for smoke/look for flames. If yes, shut the door and follow instructions #2.
  4. If there is no smoke or flames:
    • Leave your apartment, closing doors behind you.
    • Exit using the stairs.
    • Do not use the elevator.
    • Alert other Tenants in immediate danger.
    • Leave the building.
    • CA1, 2 or 3, go to the large parking lot in front of CA2.
    • CA4 Tenants go to the far end of the parking lot along Olive Street.
    • Mattawa Tenants call 911 and exit the building.
    • Do not re-enter the building until you’re told it’s safe to do so.
  5. If you are not physically able to go down the stairs, or exit quickly in 2 – 3 minutes, you can do one of the following:
    • Stay in your apartment as #2 above.
    • Call 911.
    • If the hall is OK, go to an apartment on the other side of the hallway if fire is on your side of the building.


In the event of a power outage, or other event where extra lighting is needed, all Castle Arms apartments are equipped with emergency flashlights.

Elevator Operation

Elevators are under 24-hour surveillance. They are inspected once-a-month to keep them in good working order. If it’s necessary for the elevator to be out-of-service for repair, or any other reason, it will be posted on the elevator.

Safety Tips

  • Stairs must be kept clear. NO items are to be stored under or beside the stairwells.
  • Don’t leave electric appliances on when not in use [stove, kettle, coffee maker, etc.].
  • Do not smoke.
  • Reduce/remove clutter or rubbish to avoid falls.
  • Keep all hallways free of clutter or obstructions.
  • Never wedge open a stairwell door or a fire exit.
  • Do not store items on top of a stove or in the oven.
  • Report all hazards immediately – 705-845-2038 or 705-845-2025.